Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Welcome to my LIFE.

Welcome to my LIFE

Welcome to my blog where I talk about my very normal, "Yet Strange" life and experiences which I will share with you through a mix of Video Blogs, "Vlogs," and Text Blog postal. Let's start off with my crazy middle school years!!  Ahhh....the good old days when teachers taught and knew what the hell they were doing.  First, the crazy change---no not that one "eek" the transition to middle school from fifth grade.  You know how parents say first impressions mean everything, well they do. This is a sad but true truth. Since I was new to the school district -- "South Pasadena Unified School District"  -- I was the one everyone made fun of.  When they say bullied, in the dictionary, I'm the picture next to it.   All I got was shit from these assholes.  Everyone was already in their own refined social groups and well sorry to say for me perfectly happy beating up the little guy.  All I got was grief. Then I started hanging out with maybe the saddest wannabe cool kids group ever and the worst part was I fit right in until we started to play "Basketball" dun dun duh ... . Then it all changed.  I was suddenly a stripper and a water girl.  I mean these are the exact names that they used for me... Their once cool "lame" friend was suddenly thrown out, unwanted. I didn't like this one bit, so I told on them like the little bitch I was.  Once again, all I heard was crap like "don't be a rat" and others too horrible to repeat here.  That's when I started to get the angry messages on my Xbox account; it started with just a "FUCK YOU" here or there, but gradually got more aggressive, all the way to in these exact words "Retard Fucking liar RSP student." Now from then on this fucked with my head; it changed my life maybe forever because to this day all I can think about is how I look, how I talk, how I write, and it definitely stops me from ever telling on someone.  I really want to, but this experience just rocked my world and changed my perception. Next, seventh grade. By then I was not so much a loner and had managed to make it out of Sixth Grade alive so i thought what the hell things will get easier. ":)" Well, honey, I'm sorry to say they don't.  The ever lasting cycle of life just gives you one more "bitch slap" to the face.   This is the time when the popular social groups grow from small clubs into major corporations, if you get what I mean. The do the "trimming of the fat technique" literally when before everyone who was cool to them "People with Yugioh cards" were allowed it was now some high ranking social status to look paper thin and have anorexic tendencies. Well, I wasn't in this group "once again."  I was not over weight by any means, but I was also not the "sexually desired" paper thin guy. Yet, I was not like the fat kids that teased me in sixth grade which was once again a "very good thing"---or so I thought.                                                                                                                                         
Well, then it hit me..."LOVE"....nope.....not for a girl, not for a guy, but for a CAT! My most loved friend Sir William Tigger Shakespeare, a beautiful Red Tabby with green eyes.  Once again a life changing moment.   I had a new meaning to life. A new companion.  A new cat.  It was love at first sight! Well, this was also when my addiction started...not with Crack, not with Marijuana, 
but with Amazing Phil "Also a Kitty"
Also a kitty
This is where my 7th grade year turns into the worst possible "SHIT TORNADO" Eighth grade year  anyone on the face of the Earth could have.  It all starts with a little thing my school likes to call "student counseling" or AKA "tell your stories to a friend and hope they don't rat you out." Well, this happened to me.  I trusted my friendly "kid counselor," and they told my secret to everyone.  And while it wasn't terribly "Top Secret," it still hurt my feelings.   Well, I got through that so now on to High School!  Hopefully, this year will be better and a fresh start.  A new beginning and maybe a new social group...who knows.
Thanks for listening and have a great day,
Jared Smith

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