Thursday, July 18, 2013

Class work in the summer!

Why do parents put us through this?

Well my day was fun, all I did for the first two hours of my hopeless existence was a boring summer school "Prep Class" but was the teacher happy with just giving us a nice easy workbook page well I can answer that NO! she wasn't she decided for our last Essay we were going to do the worst possible thing as a sort of "Fuck You" assignment.  So I sat in that class for 2 hours and wrote "The best essay in the class I might add".  So I just wanted to share how bad my essay was with you, here it is!

Jared Smith
Time Management
Well I know I’m going to sound counter productive but study skills don’t work for me all they do is hold me up maybe if there was one thing I needed to work on because I’m a very forgetful person is time management I can identify things that I could do a lot better if I could manage my time well. This skill has never been easy for me mostly because the sure amount of stuff I do I’ve tried planners I just can’t seem to write anything worth anything in them.
Time management I found out was not just having planners and neat organized workbooks it was about key leadership functions like Planning, Organizing, Directing, and controlling. Let’s talk about some strategies for Time Management. One Planning short-range planning is the best way for you to get through the week which may involve writing in a notebook about the next day and the previous one or planning every hour of your next day but also do not become over obsessive with writing everything down because this will just stress you out more. Organization one of the most “important parts of Time Management.”-Douglas McGregor Organize your study place get an Organization chart or buy a label machine so you can label everything in your bag and house so you know right where everything is. This helps to shorten the time lost between finding supplies. Directing your life “taking a new direction”-POSEC method if you are doing your organization on what someone like your mom or dad tells you tell them you’d like to try to find your own way to study and Manage Time. Controlling Like directing this is taking control of your life telling other peoples what to do when you do group projects being spontaneous because life should not be all work no play.
I will try and use these strategies in my everyday life like organization I have a labeler so ill go home and label everything all the office supplies doors and cabinets for other equipment and then ill go buy another student planner. The next strategy i'll use is directing i'll direct my student group in class and find out who has better working efforts and who will help me out more.
I will use these strategies not only in school life but in my regular life for organizing my room, House, Life, and Blog and most of all my brain. When I use these strategies it will make me a more productive member of class and life and help me through the, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing moments.
I would like to achieve my goal of being able to Time Manage and do it effectively and I will achieve my goal by following the steps above. The four skills I will use are the above and my goal is to become self-reliant and stop depending on my teachers to update homework on websites and tell me my assignments.
Thanks for listening,
Jared Smith

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