Monday, July 29, 2013

My summer school "Experience"

Summer School-NOT THAT AGAIN 

Hey sorry I have not writen in a while but things at home have just been crazy because of summer school and trips and stuff but the real reason I wanted to write today is because i'm out of summer school! Yay thank god but know that i'm out I think I will tell you the story of my crazy summer school experince with my computer teacher one of the most crazy things he does is he is so inexperienced that he trys to teach when he doesnt even know the material like yesterday the last day of class he told us our Final was to make a dispicable me photoshoped picture and he didnt even know how to start he just sat there playing around with the settings and then other days he started playing Nikki Manage and Justin Beiber on the apple T.V. I just couldent belive it "How could he" its a computer class not dance.
How I feel about summer school.
form here it got even worse he always says that he can drink in class but we cant so the crazyist thing happend he spilled his goddamb coffee on his computer while some unlucky kid I think his name was Nick well when he spilt his coffie he blamed it all on Nick well I did a background check on "Spukio" or some other thing and found out he's not a teacher at all He's a stage manager so anyways i'm glad i'm out of that mess and begining my summer "Again". See you next time.

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